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Inspiratory muscle training: back to basics must be the first step?
(Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (SEPAR), 2024-05) Ballesteros Reviriego, Gonzalo; Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Martí Romeu, Joan Daniel
Fisioterapia respiratoria post-COVID-19: algoritmo de decisión terapéutica
(Elsevier Espana S.L.U, 2022-01) Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Lista Paz, Ana; Alcaraz Serrano, Victoria; Escudero Romero, Raúl; Herrero Cortina, Beatriz; Balañá, Ana; Sebio, Raquel; Vilaró, Jordi; Gimeno Santos, Elena
La pandemia causada por la enfermedad de la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran reto para los profesionalesdel sistema sociosanitario, intensificándose con el manejo y atención de las manifestaciones clínicas quepotencialmente pueden presentarse de manera persistente en las personas que han superado la enferme-dad. Para ello, la fisioterapia respiratoria se presenta como piedra angular dentro del modelo de abordajeinterdisciplinar que requiere esta población. Dado que la implementación de esta opción terapéuticacontinúa siendo limitada en Espa˜na, es imprescindible realizar una evaluación integral y exhaustiva de lapersona que nos permita establecer criterios de selección a fin de optimizar el uso de los recursos huma-nos y materiales existentes. Para ello, se propone un algoritmo de decisión terapéutica basado en pruebasde evaluación validadas y objetivas de las posibles manifestaciones clínicas del paciente. La aplicación deeste algoritmo, en cualquier nivel asistencial (atención especializada y atención primaria/comunitaria)junto con la atención centrada en la persona, el impulso del uso de los espacios comunitarios verdes yazules de las ciudades y un adecuado uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información, nospermitirá optimizar el modelo de atención de fisioterapia respiratoria en el contexto actual, marcado porla COVID-19.
Real-world walking cadence in people with COPD
(European Respiratory Society, 2024) Delgado-Ortiz, L.; Ranciati, S.; Arbillaga-Etxarri, A.; Balcells, E.; Buekers, J.; Demeyer, H.; Frei, A.; Gimeno-Santos, E.; Hopkinson, N.S.; de Jong, C.; Karlsson, N.; Louvaris, Z.; Palmerini, L.; Polkey, M.I.; Puhan, M.A.; Rabinovich, R.A.; Rodríguez Chiaradia, D.A.; Rodriguez-Roisin, R.; Toran-Montserrat, P.; Vogiatzis, I.; Watz, H.; Troosters, T.; Garcia-Aymerich, J.
Introduction The clinical validity of real-world walking cadence in people with COPD is unsettled. Our objective was to assess the levels, variability and association with clinically relevant COPD characteristics and outcomes of real-world walking cadence. Methods We assessed walking cadence (steps per minute during walking bouts longer than 10 s) from 7days’ accelerometer data in 593 individuals with COPD from five European countries, and clinical and functional characteristics from validated questionnaires and standardised tests. Severe exacerbations during a 12-month follow-up were recorded from patient reports and medical registries. Results Participants were mostly male (80%) and had mean±SD age of 68±8 years, post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) of 57±19% predicted and walked 6880±3926 steps·day−1. Mean walking cadence was 88±9 steps·min−1, followed a normal distribution and was highly stable within-person (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.92, 95% CI 0.90–0.93). After adjusting for age, sex, height and number of walking bouts in fractional polynomial or linear regressions, walking cadence was positively associated with FEV1, 6-min walk distance, physical activity (steps·day−1, time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, vector magnitude units, walking time, intensity during locomotion), physical activity experience and health-related quality of life and negatively associated with breathlessness and depression (all p<0.05). These associations remained after further adjustment for daily steps. In negative binomial regression adjusted for multiple confounders, walking cadence related to lower number of severe exacerbations during follow-up (incidence rate ratio 0.94 per step·min−1, 95% CI 0.91–0.99, p=0.009). Conclusions Higher real-world walking cadence is associated with better COPD status and lower severe exacerbations risk, which makes it attractive as a future prognostic marker and clinical outcome.
Creating isolating mechanisms through digital servitization: the case of Covirán
(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, 2018-03) Sánchez Montesinos, Francisco; Opazo Basáez, Marco; Arias Aranda, Daniel; Bustinza, Oscar F.
Digital servitization allows companies to establish specific entry barriers and create isolating mechanisms to maintain their products’ competitive advantage. Rapid linking of technologies with products has introduced new mechanisms to deliver services that complement product offerings. This business environment has significantly affected food companies in the retail sector, where companies have begun to implement and rely on digital solutions to support business operations to fulfill changing market conditions. The study demonstrates how the Covirán cooperative is improving service provision through digital capabilities to generate isolating mechanisms that enable the company to achieve a superior competitive position.
Green servitization for flexible and sustainable supply chain operations: a review of reverse logistics services in manufacturing
(Springer, 2019-12) Marić, Josip; Opazo Basáez, Marco
This study examined green servitization as a strategy for supporting flexible and sustainable supply chain management. In doing so, it explores drivers and challenges of reverse logistics services implementation on computer and electronics industry practitioners. Concurrently, the paper aims to disclose how computer and electronics industry practitioners can achieve sustainable end-of-life product recovery through green servitization, and using reverse logistics services. A subset of supporting questions are also discussed to find what challenges computer and electronics industry practitioners face in their design and implementation of reverse logistics services, and to explore sustainability characteristics of such services. The main findings are drawn from seven case studies identified through a systematic literature review on scholarly databases and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on green servitization and sustainable supply chains. Managerial contributions are seen within a conceptual framework, which provides some genuine insights into implementation practices for industry stakeholders concerned in flexible supply chain designs that retain value from waste of electrical and electronic equipment.