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Creating isolating mechanisms through digital servitization: the case of Covirán
(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, 2018-03) Sánchez Montesinos, Francisco; Opazo Basáez, Marco; Arias Aranda, Daniel; Bustinza, Oscar F.
Digital servitization allows companies to establish specific entry barriers and create isolating mechanisms to maintain their products’ competitive advantage. Rapid linking of technologies with products has introduced new mechanisms to deliver services that complement product offerings. This business environment has significantly affected food companies in the retail sector, where companies have begun to implement and rely on digital solutions to support business operations to fulfill changing market conditions. The study demonstrates how the Covirán cooperative is improving service provision through digital capabilities to generate isolating mechanisms that enable the company to achieve a superior competitive position.
Green servitization for flexible and sustainable supply chain operations: a review of reverse logistics services in manufacturing
(Springer, 2019-12) Marić, Josip; Opazo Basáez, Marco
This study examined green servitization as a strategy for supporting flexible and sustainable supply chain management. In doing so, it explores drivers and challenges of reverse logistics services implementation on computer and electronics industry practitioners. Concurrently, the paper aims to disclose how computer and electronics industry practitioners can achieve sustainable end-of-life product recovery through green servitization, and using reverse logistics services. A subset of supporting questions are also discussed to find what challenges computer and electronics industry practitioners face in their design and implementation of reverse logistics services, and to explore sustainability characteristics of such services. The main findings are drawn from seven case studies identified through a systematic literature review on scholarly databases and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on green servitization and sustainable supply chains. Managerial contributions are seen within a conceptual framework, which provides some genuine insights into implementation practices for industry stakeholders concerned in flexible supply chain designs that retain value from waste of electrical and electronic equipment.
(2025-01-20) test