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Leisure geographies and domestication in middle-class households
(Routledge, 2024) Unás, Viviam Stella; Monteagudo Sánchez, María Jesús
This paper presents the findings of a study that delved into the role of artifactual agents in shaping leisure experiences within middle-class households in Cali, Colombia. In-depth interviews were conducted with members of 26 households, supplemented by mapping and ethnographic visits to 10. The collected data identified home typologies based on family cohesion and attachment to tradition. These typologies are crucial in defining the interplay between artifacts and leisure. In homes with less traditional tendencies, leisure expands spontaneously, albeit at the cost of impoverished free time. In individualistic households, the bedroom emerges as the central hub for leisure, often overshadowing the communal dining room. Leisure is portrayed as a creative mechanism influencing the personalization of domestic spaces through artistic endeavors. In conclusion, this study underscores the significance of artifacts as influential agents in shaping leisure and advocates for a non-anthropocentric approach to understanding domestic leisure.
The role of regional tax autonomy, firm size, and business groups in tax avoidance: evidence from Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-07-10) Garmendia-Lazcano, Aitor; Baselga Pascual, Laura
This paper investigates the influence of regional tax autonomy, firm size, and business group affiliation on corporate tax burden in a large sample of Spanish firms, including non-listed firms, from 2007 to 2016. Our findings reveal that firms located in tax- autonomous regions exhibit lower effective corporate tax rates (ETR), providing new empirical support for the horizontal tax com-petition theory. Additionally, we identify a positive relationship between firm size and corporate tax burden, aligning with the political cost theory. Furthermore, we find that group-affiliated firms face a higher ETR than independent firms, and that group affiliation attenuates the differences in the tax burden experienced by large and small firms.
Sliding mode control design using a generalized reduced-order fractional model for chemical processes
(Elsevier B.V., 2024-12) Gude, Juan José; Di Teodoro, Antonio; Agudelo, D’hamar; Herrera Garzón, Marco Antonio; Rincón, Luis; Camacho, Oscar
This article presents a comprehensive study that evaluates the potential advantages of adopting a unified, systematic, and organized general fractional model within the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) design framework. The exploration extends to the model's applicability in a variety of disciplines. Although prior research has utilized SMC and fractional-order systems independently, no previous work has established a mathematical framework that integrates a generic fractional-order SMC model. The study addresses this gap and highlights potential implications for control design and applications in a variety of fields, particularly for chemical processes.
La era de los “golden workers” y los retos de la negociación colectiva en la gestión de la edad en la empresa
(Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati = The Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, 2024) Serrano Argüeso, Mariola
El envejecimiento de la población en un hecho, y también una preocupación social a nivel mundial. En el ámbito empresarial subyacen dos problemas que han de encontrar su punto de conexión, por un lado, la necesidad que las personas mayores continúen en el mercado de trabajo, por el otro, los prejuicios existentes en la empresa relacionados con las personas mayores. Los llamados planes de diversidad generacional son fundamentales para el mantenimiento de las personas mayores en el mercado de trabajo pero, vistas experiencias anteriores, la negociación colectiva debe ser el ámbito en el que se gesten los mismos, preferiblemente de forma obligatoria, lo que, a día de hoy, no está ocurriendo.
Indefensión aprendida y conducta supersticiosa: posibles efectos de la falta de control sobre efectos ambientales
(Universidad de Deusto, 1989-07-21) Matute, Helena; Nicolás y Martínez, Luis de; Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación